Forrest Nursery has many years experience with a huge range of Eucalyptus species. The production of commercial Eucalyptus globulus for plantations is a specialty of Forrest Nursery, with extensive experience in producing them from seed.
We are entrusted with handling our clients exclusive genetic material and Intellectual Property.
We are able to produce high quantities of trees, with a proven track record in quality and consistency.
The Eucalypts we produce are shipped to plantations Australia wide, and are used across a range of industries.
Other Plantation Crops
We have had a lot of experience growing many other Plantation crops in large quantities, these include:
Oil Mallees for carbon credits
Acacias as host plants
African Mahogany
Our seedlings are grown by trained horticulturalists and to the highest standard.
Detailed record keeping and planning for each crop allows us to project and work towards delivering a high quality product each season.